Overview medium long trips
Medium long trips

Here you will find an overview of our trips with a somewhat longer travel duration, i.e. from about six weeks to more than three months. Scroll down and click on the button of your choice.

Directly to these buttons?

You will find trips with a fairly normal travel duration (i.e. up to a maximum of about five weeks) at 'Shorter trips'.

In addition, there is our 'World Trip' of 1000 days, which took place about 25 years ago.

Southeastern Europe 2022

After the travel stop during the COVID pandemic, our first trip was a twice-postponed trip of more than 7 weeks through Southeastern Europe (Albania, Northern Greece, Bulgaria and Romania). The development of the report and the photos will take some time.

We have placed the 'letters home' that we traditionally sent during the trip, on the website. A more detailed report with many photos will follow soon.

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Sri Lanka and India 2019

From January 27 to March 18, 2019 we made a combined trip of seven weeks. First a five-week tour through Sri Lanka with the two of us. Then two weeks with Starling Reizen, a Belgian organization, a small group trip to a number of nature parks in India. In India the emphasis was on the 'big cats'.

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Southeastern Asia 2015-2016

From October 8, 2015 to January 14, 2016, we traveled through five countries in Southeast Asia for 99 days; successively Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar.
We used Thailand as the balancing item. Initially, we had only included a limited number of places in Thailand, with the idea that the canceled destinations would later still be possible in this easy-to-travel country. When the trip became too long during the planning, we dropped even more Thai parts. We were able to accommodate almost all the wishes of the other four countries.

We traveled with the two of us and we designed the trip entirely according to our own wishes, but with a travel agency, Rama Tours, that knows the way around Southeast Asia very well and gave us good advice about the final details of the trip.
The entire travel plan, including travel, sights, overnight stays and almost all excursions, was therefore completely planned in advance.

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Central America 2014

This was a 92-day trip through all the countries of Central America, starting in Panama and ending in Mexico. For safety reasons, we only visited a limited number of areas in Honduras and El Salvador. The number of places visited was also limited in Mexico, but that was due to 'lack of time', which can also occur during a 13-week trip.

We are traveling with the two of us and have organized the trip entirely according to our own wishes, but with a travel agency, Avila Reizen, that knows the way around Central and South America very well and have advised us well on the final arrangements.
The entire travel plan, including travel, sights, a number of excursions and overnight stays, has already been completely mapped out. We don't have to plan anymore, we can just enjoy ourselves.

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Eastern Europa 2012

We made this trip with the four of us in a rental van from May 26 to August 13, 2012. We mapped out a route in advance through Hungary, Romania, Ukraine and Poland. To get there we pass a number of other countries, namely Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Moldova and Slovakia. We stay in the Czech Republic and Slovakia for a few days, in the other three countries we only spend a few hours.

Because the days are full and we will often arrive late at the overnight hotel, we have booked all hotels in advance. This ensures that you do not have to rush during the day because the bed is secured, but it does oblige you to stick to the schedule so that you cannot stay somewhere longer or shorter than you had planned in advance.

We have created a travel guide in advance of 374 pages, compiled from freely available information on the internet, with history, sights, distances and maps.

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From the Netherlands to Mongolia 2010

This trip went through the Baltic States, Russia and Mongolia. On Friday, June 18, the five of us (W. from Sint Michelsgestel and S. and M. from Nordhorn) started for a long trip. We travel with a 9-seater Mercedes van from Tiaratours. The intention is that we will deliver the van in Mongolia. The van will spend the rest of its life in Mongolia. We are going to make another tour in Mongolia with a local organization and then we will fly back home from Ulaan Baatar. In total we will be on the road for about ten weeks.

The route through Russia was more or less fixed. The van was considered to be in transit and had to be out of Russia within a month. Given the great distance and this time limitation, the choice of route through Russia was somewhat limited. The routes were also somewhat determined by the overnight accommodation options. Given the many sights along the way and the long distances, we expected in advance that we would often arrive late at the overnight hotel. We therefore booked all hotels in advance.

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From Peking to St Petersburg 2007

We planned to drive from the Netherlands to Mongolia in 2007 with a small group of acquaintances. In the end there were too many dropouts and this trip was canceled.

When looking for alternatives, it turned out that the English organization Dragoman organized an 'expedition' from Beijing* to St. Petersburg for the first time in 2007. We have been out with Dragoman for longer in the past and we actually think that such trips have too many disadvantages. To put it kindly: not everyone puts as much effort into communal tasks such as cooking, drinking is sometimes given a very high priority and last but not least: there is always music on that we absolutely do not like.
However, this trip had such an attractive route that we overcame the hesitation.

The trip officially started on July 15, 2007 in Beijing and ended on September 30 in St. Petersburg. To cut some slack, we flew to Beijing on July 12 and flew back from St. Petersburg on October 3.

* note: we know that people want to call it Beijing these days, but we just call it Peking.

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South America 2006

During the 'South America section' of our world trip we passed several nature reserves that we did not have time to visit.
The trip in 2006 was intended to see these areas (particularly Pantanal, Noel Kempff Mercado, Torotoro and Manu). We had not actually arranged much in advance: the outward flight to Cuiabá in Brazil, two nights there and a return flight from Lima, Peru. We would always arrange tours to the various parks on site in the nearest larger town. We also had to organize transport between the various areas on site.

In retrospect, this worked out well. Some excursions turned out to be more difficult to organize than expected, but that in itself also resulted in special moments. All intended highlights have been realized and, on the recommendation of local people, several extra special places have been added.

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