Ierland, Wales en Engeland 1985 > Wales > Londen-Llandudno
Land of Wales


Foto: Eastgate Row, Chester.

Uit de reisbeschrijving van Frames National:

7 DAYS — 985 MILES


This seven day tour into the beautiful countryside of Wales and, in particular, the Snowdonia National Park, begins with a drive along the motorways through the Midland industrial areas and out into Cheshire. We pass through Nantwich, one of the Cheshire towns associated with the salt mining industry and having its origins back in Roman times — it is also remembered as the last outpost of bear-baiting in England!

Next en route lies Chester. Walled Chester stands on the edge of England like the medieval guardian it once was. Founded nearly 2,000 years ago by the Romans, Chester boasts some of the richest archaeological and architectural treasures in Britain. lt is the only city in England to have preserved its medieval walls in their entirety, and today they provide a 2-mile circular walk which affords excellent views of both the city and its surrounding countryside. The defences on the north and east side follow the line of the original Roman walls and are of largely Roman workmanship, but the original west and south defences were destroyed and later rebuilt in an extended form to the castle. At one point the walls overlook the Roodee, a racecourse where the Chester Cup has been run every May since 1540. Chester, or Deva as it was once known, remained a principal military station and trading town until the Romans withdrew from Britain at the beginning of the 5th century. For 5 centuries the site was deserted, then was probably re-occupied by the Saxons to prevent the Danes from using it as a stronghold. It gradually regained its position as a place of importance, and after it had fallen to the Normans in 1070 became the capital of a country palatine whose earls were almost as powerful as the King. In 1237 the last earl died, and subsequently the eldest son of the reigning monarch has held the title.

The medieval town flourished as a port until silting of the Dee during the 15th century brought a decline in trade prosperity. The city continued as a commercial centre, however, and its fortress was largely revived during the rich 18th and 19th centuries. Much survives from all periods of Chester’s history, but the source of its distinctive character is undoubtedly the galleried tiers of shops known as The Rows. The beautifully restored sandstone cathedral dates mainly from the 14th century. lt incorporates extensive Benedictine Monastic remains, and is especially noted for its richly carved woodwork. The Lady Chapel and refectory, and the cloisters. Partly ruined St. John’s Church retains excellent Norman workmanship. Black and white buildings abound in Chester — God’s Provident House, Bishops Lloyd’s House and Olde Leche House being outstanding.

Eastgate Street
foto-serie Chester [1/9]
Speciale vensters
foto-serie Chester [2/9]
foto-serie Chester [3/9]
Chester Cathedral
foto-serie Chester [4/9]
Chester Cathedral
foto-serie Chester [5/9]
Bibliotheek in Chester Cathedral
foto-serie Chester [6/9]
Straatmuzikanten 1
foto-serie Chester [7/9]
Straatmuzikanten 2
foto-serie Chester [8/9]
Straatmuzikanten 3
foto-serie Chester [9/9]
Verder naar Llandudno


Foto: Eastgate Clock, Chester. Voor meer info over deze klok, zie de website van discoverchester.

Uit de reisbeschrijving van Frames National:

Today’s journey continues by the North Wales Coast road, through St. Asaph, a small village known for its Cathedral. It is the smallest in the country, being only 182 feet long and 68 feet wide — the exterior has kept its 13th century style. The road takes uson by way of Abergele and Colwyn Bay, a modern seaside resort with a 3-mile long promenade, then to Llandudno — largest seaside resort in Wales, lying on a long curving bay and flanked by the Great Orme, rising to some 700 feet. Famous for family holidays, it was here in 1862 where a little girl on holiday inspired a famous classic. Alice Liddell so loved the stories told by a famous guest — Charles Dodgson that he wrote one down and published it under the name of Lewis Carroll — as the immortal 'Alice in Wonderland’ — on the promenade there is a statue of Alice with the Rabbit.

Day’s mileage 244

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volgende: Snowdonia