Ierland, Wales en Engeland 1985 > Wales > Cardiff-Londen


Foto: Chepstow Castle.

Uit de reisbeschrijving van Frames National:

We move on towards England, travelling up the beautiful Wye Valley to catch a glimpse of the haunting ruin of Tintern Abbey then reach Chepstow, with a Norman castle at the edge of the River Severn which proved impregnable until Cromwell’s army tore holes in its walls during the Civil War. The River Severn is crossed by the modern Severn Bridge and we follow the motorway through Gloucestershire before joining the old route between Bath and London at Chippenham, a market town since the 14th century with one of England’s largest cattle markets.
Travelling through Calne and Marlborough, with its very wide high street and best known for Marlborough College — an important seat of learning, to Newbury where, in the 15th century, England’s first true factory employing more than 1000 wool workers was established by John Winchcombe, known as Jack of Newbury. This is the centre of the racing industry with training stables scattered around the Lambourne Downs and an important racecourse in Newbury itself.

The motorway is re-joined just outside the town and this takes us through to central London and the end of the tour.

Day’s mileage 180

Tintern Abbey 1
Gesticht in 1131 en gestopt in 1531
Tintern Abbey 2
Tintern Abbey 3
Tintern Abbey 4
Tintern Abbey 5
Shire Hall in Agincourt Square
Punch House
Pub uit 18e eeuw (Agincourt Square, Monmouth)