Ierland, Wales en Engeland 1985 > Ierland > terug naar Londen

Uit de reisbeschrijving van Frames National:

This tour of Southern and Western Ireland ends today with a journey through Abbeyleix, a handsome town planned in the mid 18th century and taking its name from a now vanished 12th century monastery We reach Port Laoise, originally named Maryborough, was fortified by Philip and Mary in the 16th century to subdue local chiefs. It was named Port Laoise after Irish independence and the town has a number of fine buildings, including the Court House. The gaol has a castellated gatehouse.

The road continues northwest via Monasterevin, an 18th century Canal town with fine merchants houses and warehouses round a large square, and Kildare. This was an important religious centre in the Middle Ages and is now a horse breeding and training centre. St Brigid established a monastery here in the 5th century which was frequently raided by the Vikings, its site is now marked by St Brigid’s Cathedral. Kildare is the venue for the Irish Sweeps Derby each June.

Passing through Droichead Nua, once site of a British Cavalry barracks and Naas, a market centre once one of the residences of the Kings of Leinster, we arrive back into the city of Dublin and end of this eight day tour.

Day’s mileage 85


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